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Be Winter Ready

20 December 2019

The Government today launched the ‘Be Winter-Ready’ 2019 -2020 Information Campaign focusing this year on the different colour codings associated with Met Éireann weather warnings.


Be Winter Ready

The campaign was jointly launched by Minister with responsibility for Defence and Chairman of the Government Taskforce, Mr. Paul Kehoe T.D., Minister for Business Enterprise and Innovation, Ms. Heather Humphreys T.D., Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Mr. Shane Ross T.D and Minister with special responsibility for Housing and Urban Development, Mr Damien English T.D. Also in attendance were representatives from the various Departments and Agencies tasked with emergency planning and response.

The launch coincided with a meeting of the Government Task Force on Emergency Planning, which dealt with winter-preparedness issues.

The 'Be Winter-Ready' campaign, which is the ninth of its kind, is intended to raise awareness about the particular challenges that winter can present.

The campaign highlights the ‘Whole of Government’ approach being taken to winter preparations.  This sort of approach was seen during recent storms which posed challenges for communities, businesses, Government Departments and Agencies.

Importantly, the ‘Be Winter-Ready’ campaign informs the public of what is being done in relation to winter preparations and where they can source valuable information that can assist them through a difficult period.

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Page last reviewed: 20/12/19

Content managed by: Fire and Building Control Department

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